self isolation

As we all are well aware, there is a pandemic going on.  COVID-19, most commonly coined coronavirus or the rona, has turned the lives of everyone around the world upside-down.  I remember tracking coronavirus back when it first became known in Wuhan.  I scoured the internet for news about this virus because I am naturally … Continue reading self isolation

when things don’t go as planned

Sometimes I envision how my life will go.  I imagine events, I make goals, I work tirelessly toward those goals all with the hope that my life will perfectly follow a plan I set long before.  When I set these goals, I place my entire self worth into achieving them.  Recently, after not achieving some … Continue reading when things don’t go as planned

life update- less than two weeks out!

Two Sundays is what is separating me from the deadlines for most of my graduate applications.  My nerves are raw, my mental space is solely focused on APPLICATIONS, and my anticipation is growing. Questions race through my mind.  What if I don't get accepted into any schools?  Where will I be one year from now?  … Continue reading life update- less than two weeks out!


I haven't posted in a while, and there's a reason for that.  I just cannot pinpoint what the reason is out of the multitude of possible explanations swirling around in my mind.  It could be a lack of motivation fueled by a lack of inspiration or the increasing anxiety I've been feeling toward my direction … Continue reading wanderlost